I started off deciding to try something different. Another cookbook I have (100 great breads by Paul Hollywood) has a recipe for Apricot Brioche, so I asked Kenora to pick up some dried apricots on the way home and we set out to make Brioche.
After following the BBA recipes for a couple of weeks, with nice exact measurements (so many grams) it felt awkward to go back to using a rough measurement ("2½ scant cups").
Despite some issues with the recipe (I don't think it's possible to get the yield the book talks about), and overbaking it slightly (that isn't a light golden brown in the picture) this turned out so nicely! I had to try the BBA brioche.
We decided to do the Poor Man's brioche; it mixed up a lot easier than the dough yesterday did, and seemed to rise more evenly.

The problem I had was: what style of bread do I want to make?
The classic brioche (to the left)? A normal loaf (below left)? Or mini-brioches (below right)?
Well, as those who know me can attest, my answer when faced with a decision like this is... "embrace the power of And" ... so, soon I had 10 loaves of Brioche baking (all from one batch of dough)

- the smell of the brioche baking; I swear I gained a few pounds just breathing the air while these little beauties were in the oven
- How greasy the dough actually was; in total, it weighed less than two pounds, but it was about 25% butter
- How light and flaky the finished bread was; I had a couple of slices of apricot brioche for breakfast this morning, toasted, with butter (yes, MORE BUTTER) and oh, it was heavenly!
Next week is Casatiello, then Challah (which I might skip) then a Ciabatta.